The virtual hat - a chance for the arts
We want artists to remain or become digitally visible, we want art to be rewarded, also monetarily. We want art and culture to live on, and for viewers to experience exciting and diverse digital formats! That's why we founded THE VIRTUAL HAT. Our core is the hat. The idea is simple, the handling easy. Registered artists automatically receive a hat on their profile, in which visitors can safely and directly throw something into the hat of the respective artist with one click, via PayPal. We are ready to go! Are you in?
If you are an artist/cultural worker/cultural organization, learn more about your opportunities on THE VITUAL HAT. It is worthwhile to go new, digital ways.
You are a visitor: Welcome to THE VIRTUAL HAT. We wish you as a viewer good entertainment! How you can support the individual artists, groups and/or organizations, you can read here. It is worth doing good, no matter if you believe in karma or not!